Parish Link Archive

The Parish Link weekly newsletter was first published in 1993 following an initiative from the Dublin Diocese called ‘Parish Development and Renewal.’ The group when set up looked at all the aspects of our parish and its needs and implemented a number of ideas to meet those needs.

The Iona News was already in place at the time, but it was only available once a month. “The Link” was conceived to bring the people of the Parish weekly updates on happenings in the parish and local community.

Over the past many years the format of the Link has not changed much. Some weeks there are so many notices that it is quite a task to fit them all in, however we would urge all involved in any activities in the parish to keep “The Link” in mind when looking for support.

Items for the Parish Link can be emailed to the following address

Items can also be dropped into the Parish Office letter-box, which is located at the back of 87, Iona Road (access is by the side-door in the church grounds beside Our Lady’s Grotto).

Items should be marked ‘Parish Link’ and posted no later than 5pm on the Thursday of the week of publication. A contact name and number is required for each item.





Christmas Day 2024