As we pray these Stations, let us pray for all those who are suffering in the world – the poor, the vulnerable, the neglected, the abused, those who live in conditions of poverty and deprivation in our own parish and in our city and throughout the world. We pray that as we enter into the sufferings of Christ we will see Him suffering in the world around us.

1st Station – Jesus is condemned to death.

We adore Thee O Christ and we bless Thee, because by Thy Holy Cross You have redeemed the world


Lord, in the face of rejection or

when I feel misunderstood or not

accepted, keep me humble. Do not

let fear take hold of me, but

bolster me with your strength.


Oh Sweet Jesus who for love of me didst bear your cross to Calvary, in your sweet mercy grant to me to suffer and to die with Thee.

2nd Station: Jesus carries His cross.

We adore Thee O Christ and we bless Thee, because by Thy Holy Cross You have redeemed the world.


Lord, the crosses that come my way

are really nothing compared to the

cross you bore. You took the sins of

the whole world on your shoulders.

Strengthen my courage so that I am

never ashamed of the cross but bear

it proudly.


Oh Sweet Jesus who for love of me didst bear your cross to Calvary, in your sweet mercy grant to me to suffer and to die with Thee.

3rd Station: Jesus falls the first time.

We adore Thee O Christ and we bless Thee, because by Thy Holy Cross You have redeemed the world.


Lord, when I stumble and fall, help

me to get up and resume walking

the path of righteousness, truth,

justice, and peace. Teach me the

humble wisdom whose source is

your eternal Father.


Oh Sweet Jesus who for love of me didst bear your cross to Calvary, in your sweet mercy grant to me to suffer and to die with Thee.

4th Station: Jesus meets His afflicted Mother.

We adore Thee O Christ and we bless Thee, because by Thy Holy Cross You have redeemed the world.


Lord, how sorrowful it must have

been to know that your own mother

witnessed the suffering and

rejection of her only son. Grant

consolation to all who suffer the

pain of rejection for the cause of

your Father’s kingdom.


Oh Sweet Jesus who for love of me didst bear your cross to Calvary, in your sweet mercy grant to me to suffer and to die with Thee.

5th Station: Simon of Cyrene helps Jesus carry His cross.

We adore Thee O Christ and we bless Thee, because by Thy Holy Cross You have redeemed the world.


Lord, teach us to help one another

in times of struggle. Curb our

selfishness and broaden our

outreach, especially to those most

in need of your mercy.


Oh Sweet Jesus who for love of me didst bear your cross to Calvary, in your sweet mercy grant to me to suffer and to die with Thee.

6th Station- Veronica wipes the face of Jesus.

We adore Thee O Christ and we bless Thee, because by Thy Holy Cross You have redeemed the world.


Lord, you taught in both word

and deed that love conquers all.

Move our hearts to offer love to

all we meet in this life, and keep

the bond of love strong in your



Oh Sweet Jesus who for love of me didst bear your cross to Calvary, in your sweet mercy grant to me to suffer and to die with Thee.

7th Station: Jesus falls the second time.

We adore Thee O Christ and we bless Thee, because by Thy Holy Cross You have redeemed the world.


Lord, you showed us by your

own example that there is no

shame in stumbling when the

burdens of life become too great

for us to bear. May we unite our

suffering to yours for the glory of

your Father’s kingdom.


Oh Sweet Jesus who for love of me didst bear your cross to Calvary, in your sweet mercy grant to me to suffer and to die with Thee.

8th Station: Jesus meets the women of Jerusalem.

We adore Thee O Christ and we bless Thee, because by Thy Holy Cross You have redeemed the world.


Lord, when your eyes met

the mournful gaze of the women of

Jerusalem, you redirected their

heartfelt sorrow. Help us to look

inward to the deep recesses of our

hearts where conversion is most

needed. Strengthen our resolve to

build up the community of faith.


Oh Sweet Jesus who for love of me didst bear your cross to Calvary, in your sweet mercy grant to me to suffer and to die with Thee.

9th Station: Jesus falls the third time.

We adore Thee O Christ and we bless Thee, because by Thy Holy Cross You have redeemed the world.


Lord, we seek fervently to be your

servants and to bear your

message.This challenge often comes

with hardships, misunderstanding,

and rejection. Bolster our courage

and strength no matter how many

times we fall or fail.


Oh Sweet Jesus who for love of me didst bear your cross to Calvary, in your sweet mercy grant to me to suffer and to die with Thee.

10th Station: Jesus is stripped of His garments.

We adore Thee O Christ and we bless Thee, because by Thy Holy Cross You have redeemed the world.

Lord, you allowed yourself to be

utterly naked before the world’s

eyes, entirely vulnerable and

defenceless. You refused to clothe

yourself in the glory that was

rightfully yours. Give us the

courage to be so bold and not to

fear the vulnerability that comes

our way.


Oh Sweet Jesus who for love of me didst bear your cross to Calvary, in your sweet mercy grant to me to suffer and to die with Thee.

11th Station: Jesus is nailed to the cross.

We adore Thee O Christ and we bless Thee, because by Thy Holy Cross You have redeemed the world.

Lord, when you were nailed to the

cross, that most dreaded symbol of

defeat, you also accepted the

burden of all the sins of the world.

In your humiliation, the world

paradoxically gained its saviour, its

redeemer, its hope. Let our faith in

the cross shine in all that we think

and speak and do.


Oh Sweet Jesus who for love of me didst bear your cross to Calvary, in your sweet mercy grant to me to suffer and to die with Thee.

12th Station: Jesus dies on the cross.

We adore Thee O Christ and we bless Thee, because by Thy Holy Cross You have redeemed the world.

Lord, you accepted the ultimate

mystery in human experience, the

darkness of death. Your willingness

as Lord of the universe to embrace

death like one of us is truly

humbling. Teach us that the power

of death is not to be feared but to be

accepted. It is the doorway to a new life.


Oh Sweet Jesus who for love of me didst bear your cross to Calvary, in your sweet mercy grant to me to suffer and to die with Thee.

13th Station:  Jesus is taken down from the cross.

We adore Thee O Christ and we bless Thee, because by Thy Holy Cross You have redeemed the world.

Lord, your broken, bloodied, and

beaten body was placed tenderly on

the lap of the mother who bore you

as a sacred vessel. Your body,

broken and shared for the life of the

world, now resides in your people,

in the church. We thank you for this

Eucharistic gift and we praise you

for the blood of the cross.


Oh Sweet Jesus who for love of me didst bear your cross to Calvary, in your sweet mercy grant to me to suffer and to die with Thee.

14th Station: Jesus is laid in the tomb.

We adore Thee O Christ and we bless Thee, because by Thy Holy Cross You have redeemed the world.

Lord, you were laid in the cold and

barren tomb for three days, alone,

in the dark, and abandoned. We,

too, have been buried with you in

baptism. Let us not fear the terror

of the tomb, but grant us hope in

the promise of new life.


Oh Sweet Jesus who for love of me didst bear your cross to Calvary, in your sweet mercy grant to me to suffer and to die with Thee.